February 29, 2016

CRP at a Glimpse

This week, I wanted to write about something near and dear to my heart - The Collegiate Recovery Program as a whole and some of the things that we’re doing this year and the services we offer.

1.      Sober Tailgating

Every fall, some staff and CRP students tailgate with the rest of UNT out by Apogee and we typically hand out waters, Gatorade, and some type of food. We have seating under a tent where students have an area to hide from the sun and enjoy a sober, substance use-free environment!

2.      Art Benefit Gala

For the first time ever we’re putting together an Art Gala where the proceeds directly benefit the CRP. Students/artists around Denton submit artwork and we’ll have a silent auction for people to bid on throughout the night! The theme of the Art Gala, which will be on April 22nd, is ‘RECOVERY’.

3.      Weekly Meetings

Monday-Friday every week (as long as the university is open) we have meetings from 5-6PM that are open to the community! All of these meetings are recovery based and a few of them are about Holistic Wellness, Creative Arts, Recovery Principles, and Take the Mirror Back! Our full meeting schedule with descriptions can be found here at http://recovery.unt.edu/recovery-meetings-campus

4.      Serenity Room

Not many students know about our gorgeous Serenity Room. It’s a physical room in our office/center that students have access to during business hours, or as long as a staff member is there. This room can be used for studying, napping, or really just calming down. This room is special because it’s specifically designed for students who are on the autism spectrum, and has a very relaxing effect with its sky blue walls, huge stuffed teddy bear to cuddle with, and all of the pillows a human being could ask for! (Located through Chilton 134!)

5.      Peer Support Community

My personal favorite part of the CRP is the peer support community that comes with hanging around the center and attending meetings. Every. Single. Person. That you see after walking into the office is going to ask you how you’re doing, what your name is, and a little bit about yourself. It takes one or two trips to make a good friend that will always be there for you whether it be to talk about a rough day, to get dinner because you want someone to eat with, or go to the movies because you just really need to see Star Wars again. I can’t stress enough just how amazing these people I’m surrounded by every day are, and I only hope you make your way over here to personally find out yourself. 

-Emily Thomas

February 17, 2016


RECOVERY (Personal)

It doesn’t feel like I have been sober for two years. Maybe it’s because I don’t fight it anymore. Maybe it’s because each 24 hour period no longer seems like years of suffering without adequate rest or nourishment, or because the hardest decision I have to make today is what I am going to eat for lunch. It’s probably because life doesn’t seem too complicated when I stay out of the way and put my faith into a power much bigger than I am. The moment I stopped fighting was the moment I was able to enjoy being alive again. Forget about the fact that I now have a car and a place to live, those material things come and go. Today I can wake up excited about the future instead of dreading the idea of living another minute. Today I can be helpful to people instead of manipulating them and robbing them blind. I’ll take peace of mind over a new car any day. ~ Ryan Addkison

February 8, 2016

 RECOVERY (Personal)

  Recovery dates stir up numerous emotions. On one end, they are a visceral reminder of the precise, dark moment that desperation rained down sufficiently enough to initiate changing a life. On the other, they inspire promise for the future and a beacon light of hope to those who are in pre-contemplation or have recently initiated recovery. Recollection of the journey traveled, however, is my source of greatest pleasure. My path of recovery has filled my life with key achievements, true friends, and countless blessings. I have a rekindled sense of purpose and the trust and admiration of my family. I cherish being of service to my peers. The ability to dream and set goals has been reawakened. I have been blessed to share in a loving relationship with an amazing woman. I can truly say that I am comfortable in my own skin for the first time in my life. I am extremely grateful for all of these immense gifts that are all due to my recovery journey. As much as I would like to say, “It’s just a day,” the truth is celebrating my recovery date is very important. I would not change a thing in my past, for it has led me to the most fulfilling two years of my life, which are definitely worth a celebration. ~ Thomas Wylie